When I created this newsletter ten months ago, I had no idea that VP Kamala Harris, a Black woman, would be running for president of the United States of America. Now, I guess a lot has changed; she dunned on her cape and is coming to the rescue like so many Black women who take on a mission to save their communities daily.
Since November, I haven’t even written any articles to populate this blog, even though I do feel that, at this stage, only a Black woman can lead America. I guess that as a Black woman, I grew tired of always coming to the rescue, always coming to save the day of white folks, yet being disrespected at every turn. Former First Lady Michelle Obama felt that way and, despite much pressure, did not put her name forward for the presidency. Good for her.
Malcolm X once said that the Black woman was the most disrespected person in America; I’d go as far as to say that she is the most disrespected person in our racist world. If you ever had any doubt about that, Kamala Harris' run for president will show you just how disrespectful and nasty this world is to Black women. If you ever thought racism was obsolete or a thing of the past, brace yourself for the vile and disgusting behaviors you are going to hear and see from Donald Trump and his buddies, from billionaires like Elon Musk and consorts, and on a more personal level, from your friends, colleagues, and family. Yes, it’s going to come from all directions!
The next few months will be truth-telling, eye-opening, trauma-inducing, and re-awakening for Black women. If you say you’re an ally of Black and brown people, now is the time to really show that you are. Your words will be important, but your actions even more so. The next few months will be the biggest test of all to see if you really are the ally you say you are!
In this newsletter, I’ll report on Kamala's journey to the presidency over the next 104 days because I do not doubt that she will win. I will use this blog as a way to process my feelings and trauma around all the racism she and other Black women like me will face. I already know now that I’m not going to be okay.
Sometimes, this world has amnesia, but through my work here, I want to keep a record to ensure people don’t forget how, despite the adversity, Kamala selflessly fought to save America and its people. Future generations will thank her and all Black women for all they do to make this world a better place.
Subscribe to read stuff that you’ll probably not find in the mainstream media— because, as Black women, we don’t own them, so they rarely report on our struggles, our vulnerability, and our perspectives. I look forward to seeing lots of you here! Don’t forget to share this newsletter!
Thank you for this article.
I just found you.
I will be working hard to get Kamala Harris elected on November 5th!
I look forward to seeing her sworn in and leading from the oval office in the coming years!
I will be looking forward to your upcoming articles.
Thank you for recognizing the importance of this moment, and the willingness to write about the racist shit show that will inevitably follow. Painful as it is, your calling it as you see it will inform others to recognize and reject the racist propaganda that infects our country. I will stand with you.